
earn in a passive way…

Residual/Passive Income Ideas

Blogs take a lot of consistent, high quality work to be successful.  I wouldn’t consider them passive or even semi-passive.

Informative Youtube videos might work if you can think of things that people are searching for, and then post “how to” videos or something similar.  Same thing with self-publishing an e-book on Amazon.  I believe MMM mentioned in his article on how to build a shower that he considered making an instructional e-book on how to remodel a shower that would sell for a few dollars.  This would take a fair amount of upfront work, but then you could sit back and wait for it to work.

There are lots of other ideas to generate non-investment passive income.  For example, depending on where you live, you might be able to rent ad space in your lawn or on your car for a small sum per month.  There are programs where you can donate your computer’s processing power while you sleep at night, so you might be able to find a place that would rent this processing power for a small rate.  You can “mine” for Bitcoins (although I’ve heard this can cost more in electricity than most people can make).  There’s a lot out there, the key is just to be creative.

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