
earn in a passive way…

Advice on starting an e-business

Hello everyone,

I’ve joined the forum recently (I’ve been lurking for some time though) and one of reasons was that I have some questions that might be answered here, if someone has the time to offer help.

Long story short, I need advice on starting a small service-based online business, or more specifically – I need advice on attracting customers/advertising.

I don’t know much about online advertising and I don’t know where to begin, that’s the problem. I’ve researched a bit, but from what I can see the advice is usually “pay someone to do it for you” or something like that. I don’t want to do paid internet ads or anything like that for two reasons:

(1) my business is small and specialized so I only need to reach my niche audience, and I don’t need that much customers at the beginning (I’m starting slowly since this is my first business)
(2) I don’t have any money to spend on advertising, and even if I did I’m sure there are better, more Mustachian ways to do it without spending a lot of money!

But, like I’ve said, I’m at a loss here. Except for some general ideas like advertising on forums etc. and the usual word of mouth I don’t know where to start. Buying ad space is a bad call for sure, and I have limited experience with SEO strategies.

I would appreciate if someone would offer some advice and/or point me to some articles, books or anything that could help in any way.

I already have the service part handled, the startup costs are really low, I’ll soon design the webpage through which I’ll be conducting business and I think the idea is going to work out (and it’s quite simple) but without paying customers I obviously can’t start anything.

So, there it is, so if anyone can offer some advice or discuss things I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

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