
earn in a passive way…

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Earn through Interest based website

It’s all about supply and demand. How do you research a demand using google keyword planner then if there is a demand for it then you can supply it. I think you have a great thing to market but only if there is a demand. There has been many, many things that I feel people would like but find out that nobody cares or would want to learn more.

What I would do! Research and make sure there are people looking for what I have to offer and the numbers say so then I would create myself a squeeze page giving aways some good content that I have created and then maybe even have my video course as an upsell or heck give that away as well then just direct that traffic after they opt in to an affiliate product.

Once I have that all set up and I’ve tested it and it is converting I then would start sending as much traffic as I could. Write 5 to 7 articles and submit to the directories per week, add a signature file back to your squeeze page and go find some high popular blogs that allow you to leave comments.

If you have a budget to work with then you can do some facebook ads and solo ads to test your funnel with and when it converts just scale. thats the fastest!

All of it is going to take time and its not going to be easy. Nothing good that comes really is easy at first. Just saying its going to take a lot of work on your part or you can outsource the whole thing. The rewards are a lot greator though and its well worth the time and investment.

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Who Want’s To Get Into Forex And Stocks With Me?

I used to play around with this using Metatrader. Its free to download: http://www.metaquotes.net/

I found some advice on Linkedin that I kept, I’ll post it here:

1) http://www.babypips.com start in nursery school and complete all courses
2) develop a trading plan
3) trade AND DO NOT DEVIATE trading plan, e.g. changing stoploss to a larger drawdown because you THINK a trade will come back
5) On Saturday, review ALL TRADES from the week good and bad, You would not believe how many perceived good trades were bad ones, and how many assumed bad trades were good ones. ANY AND ALL TRADES are a 50:50 proposition
6) Revise trading plan based on review, a golden rule you will find that MORE THAN 60% of trades by the best of traders will fail, and LES THAN 40% will succeed. Why is the trader profitable? because of proper Money Management. The point of a trading plan and your desired style of trading is dependent on your understanding of HOW TO RECOGNIZE AND MAXIMIZE PROBABILITIES of a successful trade.

What I find personal easy to understand I know can be extremely complex from the perspective of others.

EGO is the hardest trading attribute to beat. I find that there are a few types of newbie traders. First those that will take a class and regardless of what is taught they still (and always) seek out the path of least resistance, usually leading to a robot or undoubtedly over simplified passive system.

Another The EGO takes over and the class of trader sets out to prove that they can develop a better system than their mentor (this was me btw) and usually will end up spending all their time optimizing and never getting to the point of placing a trade.

Very few individuals I find are able to break through the ego and just mindless follow a system that has been proven to work.

The short answer is that YOU HAVE TO FIND FOR YOURSELF what you recognize works for you. YOU HAVE TO DO DO DILIGENCE and put the work in to understand the why and how of a system strategy PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE with demo accounts until you see you are hitting that 40% success rate.

There is a good reason that very few traders can make a living out of it. GETTING RICH QUICK IS NOT A POSSIBILITY

SCALPING is a sure way to loose your account, After many many years I SELDOM trade a time frame under 4 hours unless I am willing to loose money. 4hour and daily can be potentially very profitable with the right strategy.

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How to write a good sales email?

You could always use this tried and true approach.

So, in the instance of creating your promo email, here’s what we need to do…
1.) Powerful subject compelling the “open”
2.) Make it (the body) short and to the point… addressing 2 or 3 major problems
3.) “Blindly” offer a solution in exchange for the “click”.
We’re after the AIDA formula
Attention (email headline)
Interest (opener tips and introducing the product/service)
Desire (bullet points for the product/benefits)
Action (call to action, plus create a sense of urgency)
Now we’ll break that down a bit:

1. Powerful subject compelling the “open”

The “subject” of your swipe serves as its headline. You need to really think about your offer’s main benefit and drill it home in the subject.
What is the main benefit your offer has?
What is the main problem it solves?
Here’s 3 examples with their “type”, the main “benefit” of that offer” and lastly, how that offer’s benefit translates to a powerful headline or subject line.
Offer Type: Make Money Online (Free Video)
Main Benefit: Make $200/Day
Subject Line: “Watch Over My Shoulder as I Make $200 Today.”

Offer Type: Weight Loss
Main Benefit: Lose 15 Pounds This Week
Subject Line: Discover How I Lost 15 Pounds in Less than 7 Days

Offer Type: Dating
Main Benefit: How to Get Over Being Shy
Subject Line: Discover how I went from standing in a corner all night to being the center of attention and girls arguing over who was going to talk to me.
See how I’ve taken the main benefit of the four examples above and turned THAT into a compelling subject?

That’s the idea here. You want to take that main feature or benefit and use it as a tool to get your email solo-ad opened!

2. Next, make (the body of your solo-ad swipe) short and to the point.

The debate about what converts better – long or short copy – rages on but for this type of email in my experience, short, direct and to the point copy works best.

Usually, 1 or 2 (at the most) paragraphs works best followed by a “call to action” and a link to your landing page. That’s it!

When it comes to writing the body copy of the email and this makes it pretty simple. It is…

“Are you tired of PROBLEM, PROBLEM and PROBLEM? Well, today I have SOLUTION.

So for the weight loss program in the example above, here’s how this “formula” plays out.

First, we’d take the PROBLEMS facing most of those in the “weight-loss” market and break them down as follows:
They’re likely over-weight
Self-conscious about their weight
Low energy (possibly due to weight)
And the “solution” (benefit) my offer has is “losing 15 pounds in 10 days”.

Now, using these “problems” they have and the “solution” I have, I’d craft the email promo using the formula like this…

“Are you tired of being over-weight, always feeling tired and constantly feeling alienated from others in your social circle? Well, today I’ll show you how I lost 15 pounds in less than 7 days

This is the most important website you’ll ever visit if you want to break free from the shackles of being overweight and finally feel GREAT about
yourself when you’re hanging out with friends!

It’s important to note that in the weight loss example above, I took their “problems” and used them in the solo ad; in addition to doing that, you take the SOLUTION your offer presents and use it to SOLVE those problems!

3. Lastly, you *blindly* offer a solution in exchange for the click.

By now we’ve got the subject (or headline) as well as the body copy of our email written. Now it’s time to use a “call-to-action” to get them to click on the link.

Since an this is a promotional (sales) email we’ll use a “blind’ call to action.

A “blind’ call to action is one where we do NOT tell them what is on the “other side” (report, video, whatever) but INSTEAD tell them the BENEFIT they’ll enjoy by clicking on the link.

This BENEFIT is a restatement of that you used in your body copy closing. Staying with the weight loss example, remember how the main benefit was “lose 15 pounds in 7 days”?

To quickly create a call to action using that benefit you will put yourself in the prospect’s shoes and ask yourself “what is the biggest WANT the prospect has… and can use this benefit to GET?

Here’s the formula for turning the benefit and the emotional want into a call to

To (BENEFIT) and Finally (EMOTIONAL WANT) Click the Link Here Now –>> MyWebsite.com

Now here’s the “call to action” using both the formula above and the benefits we picked out in this example…

To Lose up to 15 Pounds in as little as 7 Days and Finally Feel Great about Yourself Click the Link Here Now –>> MyWebsite.com

Do you see how developing a strong and “blind” call to action is done? This technique just flat out WORKS!

And I hope it helps you,

Make it a great day,
