
earn in a passive way…

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I see a lot of people discussing their passive revenue strategies, and it’s great that there’s implementation going on. I’m wondering how you came up with the ideas for these strategies. Did you:

A. Research different demographics, find a NEED, and create the strategy in response to the demand? OrB. Come up with the theory yourself, THEN test and re-test the passive income stream?I would prefer to go with method A so I knew there was a decent chance of making money. For those of you who did that, how did you find niches and their needs? Are there websites or magazines that discuss hot trends? I’m unsatisfied with FOREX trends written about in blogs, I didn’t find a lot there.

I appreciate all help!

Warren Buff

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Website Traffic for Mother’s Business…

There are other good ways to get traffic but most of them involve getting people to link to your website to improve your search engine results.

In terms of other traffic sources, there is:

1. organic search results – get lots of people to link to you by being a definitive source for unique content. There are some not very upstanding companies which will say “we’ll get you to #1 on google” and basically will just create a lot of fake links to your website (see the blog comments on blogs that don’t screen comments and allow links for examples of these”fake links”). Then Google will rank you higher for a short term before they realize all of the links are fake. Beware companies which promise to give you “1,000 links to your site!”

2. paid search results – pay google to put an ad up for your website when they search for ‘Obamacare rules.’ This could work but might be really expensive for that niche.

3. Advertise on another site – Facebook or some ad network (google Ad Sense is an example)

4. Slowly expand your audience and keep them around/coming back by creating good content and getting their email yourself. Then when you send them content, they are asking for content like that. This also will improve conversions from website pageview into insurance customer. Let me know if you want more info on this path and I’ll send you some great links.