
earn in a passive way…

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Time Management on the 3 Hour Workday

I train clients to use email or electronic means, and my advertising materials encourage this as well. However, some communications are still more effective by voice, so it is not realistic to cut out the telephone entirely.

I have a toll-free number with email forwarding through ‘tollfreelive.com’. It works well for me, but can’t honestly tell you if there are better deals out there.

When a someone dials my toll-free number it rings on my phone and can be set up to announce the phone number of the person calling. You can also set it up so that the person has to announce their name. When you answer the phone you can then decide whether to accept the call or let it go to voice mail. If it goes to voice mail it can be set up to send you an audio file (mp3, I think?).

Oh…and one other feature, you can log in to the ‘control panel’ and chaange the number where calls get redirected. So, if you have an ‘office’ phone and a cell phone you can change the redirect number pretty quickly.

The one thing I try to do though is to call my clients back if I think they conversation is going to be more than a few minutes since you are actually paying for 2 ‘per minute’ calls…one for the caller to the ‘800’ number and then the ‘redirect.’

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How to Check Your Robot’s Validity

There is no way that you can tell for definite how much money a trading robot is making but a couple of methods I’ve used have been:

1) Check the age of their business/website – if they are still going after a number of years then they’re doing better than the majority of businesses by simply surviving

2) Check their ‘About Us’ page or equivalent – unless they have VC funding (in which case someone else thinks the business is a very good idea) they must be funding their regular salaries from somewhere

3) Estimate sales volume – e.g with the site I based the majority of my business around, I knew that for a single event, they were selling close to 4000 tickets with a booking fee on each of over £2. As e-Tickets there was very little cost associated with a ticket sale, therefore for a single event on a single day, they could pull in close to £8000.

On my basic calculations, I know that if I can average 5 events per region (8 regions) per week and sell 100 tickets for each (only about 10% of the gate for the average sized club) then not only will I be profitable, but I’ll be VERY profitable

VERY profitable is obviously a relative term but £200,000 per year would be crazy money with my current lifestyle

Hope this helps!

Warren Buff