
earn in a passive way…

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Total Budgeting And Outlook

I’ve had a productive day.. Not for my company but for myself.. I’ve been creating a budget for myself on excel.. It contains all my incomings and outgoings, most importantly my budget for variables (going out and food) and then i have an extra 2 columns..
I wrote down what I could change now(phone provider) and the other column what I can change in the coming future.(energy company etc)
Ive been following my budget to a tee so far this month and buying meat from a local paleo (grass fed) company in bulk and my veg in bulk, keeping everything as simple as possible.. Going out I have kept my drinking to a min and when I did it was vodka before and a small budget in the bars.. So far the action of monitoring myself has taking the unknowns away.. My brain says if you go over this budget then you cant have this much savings this month.
The change in the coming future contains things like : paying my car insurance annually as well as gym membership and paying off any debits (sofa etc) All of a sudden my savings fly up.. feels good to think this..
But what am I saving for??
I added another column today, called New House and future.. I live in an apartment and am viewing a new place this weekend, working out things like how much i will get in rent for my current place when i live at my new place.. totting this up over a period of time gives me a clear indication on when I will have enough money to repeat this procedure of renting and moving.. A personal plan!
What I have done is common sense and nothing new, its the fact I am tracking everything which gives me a drive and a sense of I’m going somewhere, doing everything for the future without saving for the sake of saving.. Hopefully and with this forecast in ten years when I am 43 (oh god) I will have a nice portfolio of properties, be on a much better income, have a bigger house.. and this isn’t guessed its now planned.! Good luck me!

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Newbie comes up with Brillant idea

What segments of each market would you be reaching out to?

And before I delve into this, I want to say that just about any segment of those two markets of vendors and clients are not going to be best reached with that domain name.

Virtual Lofts sounds like it is intended for gamification. Whatever the clients, they aren’t buying it because it is virtual.

This is a feature. You need to sell the benefit.

The benefit if that they can get it done anywhere. That they can access professionals that normally wouldn’t be able to get to them, unless they were flying them out…

Which brings me back to my first point. You could take a high-end approach, trying to attract the luxe clients and vendors, but my own skepticism says to me that I doubt that would be the best segments to aim for (and, of course, your own skepticism must lead you to do the actual research).

Instead, and because of this I loop to also selecting a word that isn’t loft and is rather apartment or something similar, look for the budget clients that haven’t hired an interior designer before. And, honestly, that probably couldn’t.

Hire a specialist writer (or do the interviews and creation yourself) and get a pre-qualifying questionnaire, a standard best-practices for clients to use. Get as much of the work done without personalized advice as you can, and bring an easy to use package to interior designer so that when you’re paying them to virtually “show up” you’re getting it as affordable as possible.

Have a file-sharing protocol in place so that it is easy for everyone to upload their own images.

And remember – these aren’t one and done jobs that actually can be estimated by the minute. I suggest you have the minimum time in the package, and then towards the end of that time they’ll get a final report from the designer, and a recommendation for how many more hours are needed, if so, with it available to purchase.

Then, of course, the service needs to be so good that they want to purchase that but also so good that if they can’t/won’t they don’t need to because of the aforementioned report.

Now, I apologize if my ideas are all over the place. But this is what happens when I’m on the Warrior Forum before I’ve had my coffee.

Kudos to you for getting an idea. Unfortunately that can be the easiest part.

Do your research.

Evaluate the resources available to you – money, and time.

Make a plan if you haven’t researched your way out of this idea in any of those steps.

Then take action and revisit your metrics in above plan.

Oh, and tell us how you did.