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Business liability insurance

My girlfriend is going to start renting a very small space for a photo studio (under $500 monthly) as her part time hobby is starting to make a decent amount of side income and she is hoping a space will make it continue to grow and the amount of props she has is taking over the house.  Anyways the landlord sent over the lease and I was expecting a 1 or 2 page thing but it is a whopping 35 pages long.  One of the things they ask for is $2Mil liability insurance.  His email then states that if we agree with the lease to sign it and send first month’s rent to him and no mention of proof of the aforementioned insurance.  So my questions are:

1. Can landlord ask for proof of insurance down the road and if we can’t provide that, kick us out of the space?  I would think obviously yes since we are in breach of contract, but would we be on hook for remaining lease payments if not in the space?
2.  Generally, how much would liability insurance be for a business?  My gf has about 8 – 15 customers a month and if it is too expensive, it could make renting the space impractical given the small size of her business at this point.

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student loan question

Greetings friends,

I have three degrees (BA, MS, PhD) with about $48,000 in total student loan debt. I am 34 years old. I recently finished my latest degree. Of the total, about $9,000 is at 6.8% interest with the remaining at 3.5%. I am paying down the 6.8% loans with an additional payment of about $900 on top of necessary payment. Once the 6.8% loans are paid off do I continue hacking away with at least the same amount or should I start converting those dollars into retirement? I presently have an ING retirement account and state pension plan (educator).