
earn in a passive way…

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Internet Fax Service

Does anyone out there use an internet fax service?

I’ve been landline free for about 8 years, and would never want to go back; but I run a small business, and occasionally need to send and receive faxes. I’ve been dealing this in a haphazard way so far (using a friend’s machine) but that is not very professional, and is inconvenient – I need my own number.

I was wondering if anyone has experience companies out there. I really only need to send and receive 50 pages, max, per month (probably much fewer).

I’m currently looking at Nextiva, which has a $5 per month monthly contract for 500 pages a month (send or receive).

If anyone can recommend a reliable and inexpensive service, I’d really appreciate it!

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Newbie w/ large debt; new job on horizon


I’ve been reading through all the great info on the site for several weeks now, and wanted to introduce myself, ask for help, and seek encouragement to keep going (growing?).

I’m a 26 year old with a BSME, currently in a Sales Engineering position.  My lovely wife, also 26, has a psychology degree, and works for a non-profit.  I’ve always been smart with my money for the most part, and under normal circumstances, I like to think we’d be well on our way, but for a large amount of student debt.  In my struggle to stay afloat, I’ve scoured ‘net, and now i’m here.

Current Salaries: 46,800 (his) / 28,600 (hers) = 75,400
Student Loan Debt: 32,000 (his) @ 2.93% / 97,000 (hers) @ avg. of 5.5% = 129,000

This is the part that really kills me.  4 years at separate private universities, and here we are; headed nowhere fast.  The thought of still paying off our loans in 20 years sickens me.

Savings: ~$11,000 cash.  No investments.
Our monthly take-home is ~$4,300

Rent:  $924
Student Loans: $875 — 300/mo. to mine, and the remainder is interest only for my wife’s loans.
Grocery: $550 — we eat as cleanly as possible; mostly paleo (fresh product/meat/nuts/fruit only)
Fuel: $450 — we both drive ~30 min. to work in opposite directions each day.
Gym: $233 — i’m prepared to be scolded for this one.  We both go to a CrossFit box 6 days a week,  and take advantage of discounts for both being a couple, and paying 3 months in advance.  (233 = $700/3).  Between eating cleanly and training hard, I am strong, lean, and extremely healthy.  This is a tough one to put a price tag on … but we’ll see.  I’m open to suggestions!
Auto Payment: $220/mo. on my wife’s Jeep.
Mobile: $190 — 3 smartphones on a shared date plan + discount through work (wife, myself, family member)
Utilities: $110/mo. average — electric for cooking; heating
Vehicle Service: $70 — i build this in each month, and roll over the balance to cover oil changes, etc.
Insurance: $75 for 2 cars
Internet: $65 covers both high speed internet and basic cable.  Cancelling cable only would cause this to go up.  (thanks, Comcast).
Alcohol: ~40/month.  I brew my own beer, and we will occasionally buy a bottle of wine once a month or so

Tithe, personal care, eating out once a month (@ ~40 for sanity), cat food/litter, hair cuts, etc. brings the total to ~$4,000 in expenses each month.

My wife drives a 2007 Jeep Liberty.  [We owe $4,300 @ 7.38%]
I drive a 1992 BMW 325is.  [this one owes me nothing at all]

I currently have a new job on the horizon that would potentially give me a 15% bump in pay, in addition to better benefits.  The downside is it’s ~75 miles from our current apartment, as opposed to the ~25 miles that I drive now.  Moving closer to the new job would obviously be better, but i’ll never be within biking/walking/close distance without my wife leaving her current job.

I estimate that the commute from our current location would cost me at least 150/wk., and would eventually require that the Bimmer be replaced.  She’s at 218k, and would need some work to keep going for longer than another year or so.  I can handle the labor, but the repairs would soon be nearing the total value of the car.

I feel very trapped, and somewhat at a loss.  I have no qualms with biking, but there are no foreseeable jobs in a field worth pursuing in my area that are close enough to bike to.  Moving would also require that both my wife and I get new jobs at the same time, which is difficult to orchestrate.  I yearn to have a house, where I can flex my engineering mind, and diy skills to their fullest, but given the current size of our student loans, I just don’t understand how a down-payment can ever happen.  Clearly, the only way to get out of this debt is to either earn more, and/or spend less.  I’m working on spending less, but it seems as though earning more creates more problems when you factor in a commute, or move to a higher cost-of-living area.

Any thoughts, words of encouragement, and help is greatly appreciated!
