
earn in a passive way…

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Does my budget look right?

I am 23, just bought a house, I put in 23% of my income into my 401k. I make 61-67.5k a year. Net take home is ~2500 (w/o bonus). I split expenses 60/40 with my gf of 5 years.

If something is in ()’s that means that is how much the last bill actually cost. Some of these are estimates.

Mortgage – 800
Internet – 40 (27)
Cable – 55
Electric – 150 (149)
Water – 40
Natural Gas – 40
Web Hosting – 10
HOA – 45
Car – 112
Medical – 25
Contact Lenses – 40
Garbage – 15
Dinners out – 60
Gas – 60
Home Maintenance – 100
Car Insurance – 63
Gifts – 40 (covers birthdays/christmas etc)
Car Repairs – 25
Vacation – 25
Clothing – 30
Spending Money – 125
Golf – 125
Engagement ring – 150
ROTH IRA – 325

Obviously some of the things that I budget for are not monthly expenses, but I still put away money so when they a rise it is already taken care of.

How does this look for people on the outside looking in? I realize to most 125/month on golf might seem insane. To me it is my one hobby, it gets me out side, exercise, and it is really fun. Figured I would throw that out there.

Any advice/tips would be great!

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The Minimum wage mental block

I have seen a lot of people mention that certain things aren’t ‘worth it’ if they discover the amount of money they get from it per hour is less than minimum wage.

I just wrote an article on the subject at my blog (shameless plug – http://themoney-monk.blogspot.com ), but to summarize, my thoughts are that until McDonald’s lets you come in whenever you have free time and work for minimum wage, there is no way to automatically convert your free hours into min wage, so it’s an arbitrary self-imposed limitation. So if you DO have a way to convert free time into money, I would take advantage of it, even if it ‘pays’ less than minimum wage.

If you have something else you can be doing that would get you more, then by all means do that instead. But not doing something simply because a job would pay more, IF you were working there for that hour, seems myopic to me.

Its better to spend an hour doing something that will make you $5 than watching TV, right?

In my mind its about opportunity costs, not the arbitrary benchmark of minimum wage.

Although some people just can’t seem to stomach doing something for less than minimum wage.

What do you guys think?