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Anyone Else Have A Higher Utility Bill For Jan?

Community owned utility company lets us sign up for Budget Billing.  You need to live in your residence for at least 12 months before you can sign up.  It averages your Natural Gas, Electrical, Water, and Waste Water usage over the course of the year to predict the following years monthly rate.  They add 1% to the cost to account for changes in usage and rate changes. At the end of the year an overages are charged to your account, and excess is credited to your account.  Been on the plan since September and its much nicer having a straight $140 taken out each month.

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401k fees

MMMers:I recently read a 2005 version of The Bogleheads Guide to Investing and the chapter on 401k fees had me intrigued…and somewhat worried.  The bottom line (back then) seemed to indicate that 401k fees are somewhat unknowable, but have huge impacts on your wealth.  But I remember reading an article somewhere else indicating laws had changed (in 2012?) making these fees more transparent.Has anyone here cracked the code to find out what fees your 401k administrator charges?
